Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mr. L Lately

Watch this video, if you dare! Mr. L is in his terrible two's and this is what I deal with on a daily basis. I love the kid terribly but he can really drive me bonkers! That and the fact that he (and I) are very frustrated because he can't yet communicate verbally. I figured Ms. G and Ms. I are getting lots of blogging publicity and thought you would like to know what Mr. L is up to...and here it is folks. Presenting: Mr. L and his terrible two tantrum!


Rachel Mary said...

Aww Mom but I'm SOOOO cute!
I love how adorable your family is!

I think it is just for laughs that the doctor makes us drink water. I was dancing in my seat while the receptionists was sipping her coffee and announced she was going potty... But it was worth it... I got a few moments that will last forever...

Megan Gery said...

oh, my little friend locke. what a tantrum. he's still too cute to be true! :) (said by the woman who doesn't have to deal with the tantrums, of course.)