Ok, I put Scripture study on my TO DO list. So what? At least I read, right? I never want the mentality that reading my scriptures is a chore. I put scripture study on my list because sometimes I get distracted by other things and when I see it there on my list it is a reminder for me to make time for my scripture study!
With that being said: I usually read my scriptures while Ms. G is napping. I put a movie on for Mr. L (wipe that shocked look off your face...yes I let him watch movies) and then I go into my room and take anywhere from a half hour to hour reading/pondering etc. However, yesterday before I was getting ready to do such a thing the doorbell was frantically ringing (as frantic as a doorbell can be). I opened the door and the neighbor man asked me if this little boy, with only a cowboy hat, sunglasses,shoes, and a shirt, was mine. I looked at that dirty little boy bouncing all over the place and said "No". Instead of shutting the door (as majority of the neighbors did) I helped the neighbor man find the little boy's home.
I also gave him some of M. L's undies and shorts... The police, unfortunately, had to be called because the boy could not even say his name and he kept saying my house was his house. The father had fallen asleep. My adventure for the day was over and I had completely forgotten to read my scriptures! However, I still made time in the evening.
One final note: Today Mr. L and Ms. G are over at Teresa's house so I can get a break. (THANK YOU TERESA...YOU ARE A MIRACLE WORKER) I read my scriptures on the couch...in total silence (unless you count the rain falling)...not even the faintest sound of a movie or child....it was heavenly.
Moral of my blog: 1. Don't let scriptures become a chore. 2. Even if/when crazy things happen...you still have time to read them. AND 3. When your kids are away...enjoy the day the right way!
I'm much more productive when I make lists. I think I'll try adding that to my list to help me remember! Love it!
Love movies. I get tons of stuff done while he's into one. like blogging.
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