Sure enough, there IS a loud cricket in her room. It is the loudest cricket I have ever heard (not to mention it sounds like a sick, loud cricket). I hear it chirping from the radiator and know I won't be able to get to it there. Besides the cats have gathered around it--they'll get it--eventually.
I return to my room, shut the door, and go back to sleep. Sometime later another little creature crawls into my bed. Ms. G. But she leaves the door open and I can still hear that cricket in their room. I try to sleep but it is so loud! Then I hear the cats bolt out of their room and the chirping is now outside of the kids' room.
Still not being able to sleep, though the chirping has subsided for a moment, I get out of bed to use the loo. I poke my head down the stairs--to see if I can see anything. Nope, the cats must have gone downstairs. I then head toward the bathroom.
The first thing I notice: The cats are in the bathroom.
"Great!" I think. "The loud cricket is now in the bathroom." I turn on the light and look at the ground. No cricket. I look at the cats. They are looking up. Why would they be looking up?
What is that on the blind? A cloth? Why would someone put a cloth on the blinds? IT MOVED! A moth? No, look carefully. It's a...BAT. ~Chirp~...only it isn't a sick cricket's a bat, screeching. ~screech~ My heart starts racing but I slowly shut the door.
I fight with an internal struggle--wondering if I should wake up Poppy. I think if Nana comes in the bathroom in the middle of the night--she might have a heart attack. I creep into their room and gently shake Poppy's shoulder. He startles awake.
"Um," I say. "There is a bat in the bathroom."
"Mm-hm." He gets up and takes a look in the bathroom. Things are very quiet. He exits and informs me the cats are having a bit of fun with it. He goes downstairs to get a bowl and goes back into the bathroom.
The screeches intensify and I swear I hear flapping wings! Poppy calls my name and I panic! What if he wants me to help catch it? I don't know if I can go in there. "Could you open the door?" He asks. Phew! He has already caught it.
He then releases it outside. But, his wing has been broken. Poor bat. I thank Poppy for being my hero and we go to bed. Boy, when I told Ms. I that it wasn't a cricket she about flipped out. It was quite an adventure!

Did you know? Bats are the ONLY flying mammal!